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    ESP Platinum’s world leading Tru-Inverter technology delivers the perfect amount of heating or cooling, right down to a fraction of a degree. It reaches your desired comfort level quickly and keeps it there with unequalled control.

    Savings that pay for themselves
    The energy savings in an ESP Platinum system can make a huge difference, delivering performance that is up to 75% more efficient than conventional fixed speed air conditioners, which over 5 years would save up to $4,500 on your electricity costs for cooling alone.

    Energy Smart Zoning
    When you leave a room you turn off the light to save electricity, right? With Energy Smart Zoning, you can do exactly the same thing. Your house can be split into different zones, right down to a single room.

    Variable Fan Technology
    With Variable Fan Technology, ESP Platinum can adjust its airflow so that it operates right down to 20% of total airflow capacity, delivering just the right amount of conditioned air to the zones you want it to.